Sunday, April 2, 2017

Snapchats: The Only Way to Communicate

So if you all didn't know, I'm a great artist (as long as it requires no effort). Kyla may be a poet, and I may have made it big in the poetry industry by being her manager, but art has always been a focus of mine. You can tell this based on the 0 art courses I take. Therefore, I have decided to publish an entirely new addition to my many works of art. I call it, Billiards: A journey through Snapchat. It's a modern masterpiece. 

Okay, so let's be honest, I suck at art. However, I do have a bunch of Snapchats that were in my memories or screenshotted by friends from this experience, so I figured that it would be great to show you my favorites (which is all of them, but we'll make do with just a few). Unfortunately I didn't know how to make an album, but I did strive to perfectly space them and make them look as aesthetic as possible. With all that said, enjoy!
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