Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Why in the World Would Anyone Ever Want to Learn Billiards?

Image result for trophy gif
To begin this long journey, I would like to divulge two close-kept secrets about me as a person. First, I am extremely competitive and have a slight issue with getting anything less than the best, and second, I have absolutely zero athletic bones in my body. Soccer, basketball, ping pong...you name it, I can't do it. As of now, you may be wondering why I’m airing my personal issues on a blog about billiards, to which I say I’m getting to it. The reason why my inability to accept defeat ties into billiards is because this is essentially why I chose to do it – so I can win.

I will admit that originally I had considered other topics such as shorthand and knitting, and all of those things would have been extremely useful and a gratifying hobby. However, neither of those things allowed me to win anything, and especially I know that neither of them would allow me to win in a sport. My family plays billiards as a way to connect during our free time, and every one of them is an all-star…except me. Ever since I was old enough to pick up a cue, I have been soundly beaten. To this day, I can say that I have most likely never won a billiards game on my own merit. This fact that has definitely stuck with me. Therefore, my main goal in learning this skill besides my actual interest is to finally turn the tables and win a game for once.
Image result for oh how the tables have turned gif

How will I do this you ask? Let me explain. First, you have to start with the basics as every beginner knows. Then comes the more interesting things. Over the duration of this journey, I will learn how to play 8 ball, 9 ball, and Cut Throat billiards. I will tackle this feat by going in depth into each game for one week, using the last two weeks to perfect my skills and then learn trick shots such as the English spin or even the Jump Shot. My goals in doing this is obviously to win, but also to learn the games and how to estimate the proper angles needed as well. This can be measured by my ability to successfully play and/or win each game by the rules, and by showing that I can identify certain mistakes made in context with the rules as well. As for trick shots, this can be measured by the degree to which I can execute them. 

Image result for cutthroat pool

Now, onto the actual executing of this plan, which I admit I haven’t thought enough into. First, I would like to thank Kyla as she has volunteered to suffer along as I learn the game, and will most likely have to deal with my intensity (I apologize in advance). I have a pool table in my basement, so I am completely equipped to learn the game in and of itself.

To finish off what I know will end up being the first of many blog posts, I will reflect on what I have done so far and what is left to go. Considering that I haven’t officially started yet, we’ll have to settle for only looking to the future. To be completely honest, the part of this that I am most looking forward to is Cutthroat billiards, half because of the name and half because it is a multiple player game. Cutthroat involves three players and takes about twice as long as your average game of monopoly, so it is a serious investment of your time. However, that only makes winning the game that much better.
An informational link on Cutthroat Billiards
If you’ve read to this point, congrats! Hopefully, you consider it time well spent. 


  1. Reading this was great. VERRYY FUNNNY. Annnddd, I finally found something that you can't do. Today is a great day. Good luck with learning pool btw.

  2. Billiards isn't completely useless, you can win money from betting.

  3. Wow! This sounds like a really fun topic. I, too, have never really won a game, so I can kind of Relate™️️. Your motivation also seems pretty solid.

    Since your family seems to be a group of pros, are you considering any of them for your interview? Or are you considering someone else?

    Either way, good luck learning. I hope you win. :)

  4. Great start to your blog.

    Of course, The Hustler and The Color of Money are on your to-watch list, right? Don't forget about the "A Game of Pool" episode of The Twilight Zone.

  5. Pool is always a great life skill to have, even if you just get good at the basics it can be a great use in your social life. It's also a lot a fun, and can get competitive. You can play with just about anyone. Excited to see how you progress!

  6. Billiards... much different from your original idea for short hand! Still, I think this topic is perfect for you, as you are super competitive and love to win. I also think the fact that your family always beats you will lend itself as great motivation to succeed in this project.

    Sounds like you'll have lots of fun with this project and hopefully you pick up a few tricks. Just remember that I will always beat you anyway, but it's whatever.

  7. Wow, this blog was awesome. Have you tried studying pool via the popular 8 ball pool game on the iPhone. Clearly the skills learned through the phone are translated to Billiards. Or maybe, well have fun going through this mathematical journey of angles, spinning, and force. And you better beat your family by the end of this.
